As you may know, I spent the past week in Austria with some others from my Master's programme, doing a performance in Salzburg. I thought I'd share some details about it, as it was such a grand experience. There's some information about the showing here if you're curious.
Toihaus, the theatre, graciously gave us free reign of their facilities, and with the their help, we put together an evening of works in progress. I showed a revised version of my piece "Martin's (words lost)," and all together the evening went off without a hitch. My piece is still in development, and really changing a lot, but I think it was good to show it again, and get some feedback. I feel like I'm getting close to something with it, and am so grateful to have had the chance to perform 'on the continent.' I have to say too that being back in a blackbox theatre was such a terrific feeling.... we spent most of Sunday doing technical rehearsals, and I just didn't want to leave the theatre. Funny isn't it, how we develop attachments, and find our niche in places like that. All in all, a veeeeeery pleasant week.
With any luck, I have a fair bit more travelling coming. I've had a paper accepted to a conference for presentation at the University of Kingston in September, and a collaborative project with my colleague Karin has been accepted to a conference in Helsinki of all places. I'm also doing the London Festival Fringe in a few weeks, and am hoping to travel to Istanbul within the month to make another piece. I'm trying to figure my budget out at the moment, as money predictably is very tight at this point in the academic year. But, with any luck, I'll manage it all... I figure it can't all help but hurt when it comes to job hunting in the good ol' US. And, at the very least, it'll be a hell of a time, job market be damned.
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