Hello from New York City! I'm back in my adopted hometown for a brief visit and boy, has it been amazing! I came at the request of Donald, who wasn't able to come visit me in London this year, due to stupid dayjob-type restrictions. So instead, I hopped on a plane after my graduate showcase finished up for a six blissful days of bagels, rude New Yorkers and filter coffee... or so I thought! Instead, it turned into a visit of far more epic proportions. Donald proposed! And That Girl whole-heartedly said YES!
It's a great (albeit disgustingly sweet) story, so imma go ahead and share. On Friday, my first full day here, Donald and I planned to head off to Coney Island. The weather here was sublime and, tacky as it is, it is my all-time favorite place on earth! He had promised me that, just once, he would ride the Wonder Wheel with me, although he is very afraid of heights (though really, I think he's actually afraid of FALLING... but I digress). All morning, he'd been acting a little odd, and was so nervous abpout riding the stupid ride. I told him we didn't have to, told him I wouldn't mind if we didn't etc. etc. etc. I even said, right before we got on, and I quote, "would you quit being such a big baby." In retrospect, it all makes perfect sense.
If I were a fly on the door of non-swinging car #5 of the Coney Island Wonder Wheel at approximately 12:45pm on Friday, June 3, 2011, this is what I would have heard:
Donald: "I'm already terrified, so I thought I'd go ahead and..." (he digs in pocket)
That Girl: "Oh my god."
Donald: "Will you marry me."
That Girl: Oh my god."
Donald: " hope I don't drop it."
That Girl: "Oh my god."
A few seconds pass.
That Girl: "Did I say yes? Yes."
And so on. Donald did NOT drop the ring, That Girl DID say yes, and NO flies were harmed in the recording of that highly poetic engagement exchange. At one point, I told Donald that, if he wanted to look, we were at the very top... he did look, and amazingly, the look of terror that crossed his face as he surveyed Brooklyn at a height was nothing compared to the look he had right before he popped the question. So that's that. A proposal on a piece of Coney Island history. I'd like to take this opportunity to mention that I did in fact, in addition to saying yes, also apologize for the "stop being a big baby" crack. And I couldn't be happier.
I feel like I've waited a long time for this, and the wait has been completely worth it. He's a great guy with a good heart and he lets me beat him at video games from time to time. What more could a gal ask for? I got nothing. :)
Congrats again friend, thanks for sharing!